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Delivery Format

The modules are intended for small group learning.

Who is the intended audience for the workshop/seminar?

These modules are directed towards older adults who may be living either independently in the community or in residential settings. It is not intended that ALL modules would be used for each group, but rather that the healthcare practitioners would select a small number of modules (1 to 3) to present in a single session, that are appropriate for their intended audience (i.e., in 1-2.5 hours).

Who is the presenter?

The modules were developed by a multidisciplinary team of bone health experts, but the content level is appropriate for presentation by licensed healthcare providers, who may not be bone health experts. These healthcare providers could include registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, physicians, pharmacists, dietitians, kinesiologists and exercise specialists working in healthcare settings.

What is required of the presenter?

To prepare for the session the presenter would be expected to review the module and companion documents.

Access and Availability

These modules were created with public funds and are available without charge. However, to ensure that the ABJHI is able to monitor their use, potential presenters must seek permission from ABJHI to access the workshop materials and indicate who their intended audience will be for their selected modules. ABJHI will review each request and provide access as appropriate.

What Content is Available?

There are 14 modules that cover information about bone health over the lifespan, exercise, diet, bone health medication including osteoporosis medication, and fall prevention.  Each module includes a PowerPoint presentation, a companion workbook for the audience and a facilitator guide to assist the presenter in planning and evaluating the session. Each module is standardized with a set of learning objectives, an outline, interactive questions/activities and factual content.

How will the information be delivered?

Each user group will select the modules appropriate to their planned audience and setting. It is possible to request multiple modules that may be presented in a single session or as series over time, or to request a single module that will be presented as a 30-45-minute educational session. Each module is designed to be presented independently. There is no preferred order of presentation of the modules.

Expected Outcomes

The development team hopes that having readily available materials will increase the knowledge level of Albertans (and their healthcare providers) about how to maintain their bone health as they age and help prevent falls and fractures. We will ask presenters to complete evaluation surveys with their attendees as well as completing evaluation surveys as presenters.

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